Why Lazy?


Why Lazy?
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List of Images and Film
New Mexico


This site is sort of a history of our search for great day hiking in the southern Colorado, New Mexico and the central Texas areas. We like great hiking and we like having the wilderness to ourselves, so for the most part these are pretty offbeat places. There are plenty of well-known and well documented places that are more beautiful (possibly), but tend to have lots of people.

Based on the folks we typically run into (either wildlife or hunters), we like extreme backcountry. So, for us, the search has led to the National Forests of the area. Often this is true wilderness where you are pretty much allowed to do what you like. We typically take a capable vehicle to the end of a very rough road and then start walking up (if possible – makes for an easier return). The results, as you might imagine, can be good, bad, or ugly, sometimes all three. For us, not knowing is half the fun.

The “lazy” label comes from the fact we tend to get going in the afternoon. Often we are starting a trail while others are finishing. Because of that we travel relatively light and fast (seriously – not very fast in the mountains - easy gait) compared to a backpacker or the other folks typically on a trail. One or two hours up a trail, and then one or two hours back would be a typical “hike”. Don’t get us wrong, many of these hikes and areas are not for the faint of heart, especially if you are going to cover them in an afternoon.

That’s enough rambling for now. Welcome to our little part of the Internet



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